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25.70 MB  -  4860 downloads
Honda Civic vs. Dodge Viper szuperfinis
Kiskunlacháza - 2009. August 01.

The super final between the fastest cars regardless of their category.As you can see, preparation is the key to success.

28.00 MB  -  5562 downloads
Dodge Viper szerencsés balesete (HD)
Kiskunlacháza - 2009. April 19.

Very lucky accident, no damage either to the car or the barriers, even the timing system's cabling survived.
It's quite audible when 300 shot nitrous is activated. Usually it's a progressive kit, but as the controller was faulty, the whole shot was introduced instantly, killing traction right away.
The HD quality video contains the original footage, and a zoomed-in slow-mo too.

12.00 MB  -  8983 downloads
Jens Eklund 9.6 @ 247
King of Europe, Brustem, Belgium - 2008. June 22.

Jens Eklund is 2008's King of Europe "West". He won both the AWD class and the overall classification of the 2 day event.
This video shows his best qualification run from Sunday morning.
This run was logged, you can see the full performance chart here.

258.00 MB  -  6243 downloads
King of Europe East
Tököl - 2008. April 13.

King of Europe East is a new annual race in the more and more popular King of Europe series, organized especially for Eastern Europeans.
While the field was quite thin, the Hungarian, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, Romanian, Italian and American racers still provided good racing.
This 21 minutes long video covers all the finals.
The video is also available in 720p HD format.

10.00 MB  -  6773 downloads
Chevrolet Corvette AWD 8.88
Tököl - 2007. October 28.

I'm sure, many of you have already seen this run from another angle on youtube and the like, but nevertheless, here is the historic 8.88 run in its full glory, in 720p HD format.
For those who are less informed, a few facts about the car and this particular run itself. (Here is a previous log we took of this car)
Around 6 liters of Chevy V8 power, 1.4 bar boost, three speed automatic gearbox, all wheel drive transmission.
During this run there was a passanger on board, the main organizer of the race event, so the car was actually a bit heavier than it was during the numerous 9 second passes it had previously.
This was the Corvette's first 8 second run.
Congratulations Grzegorz, keep up the good work! :)

192.00 MB  -  6444 downloads
Gyorsulási Verseny - Drag Race
Kiskunlacháza - 2007. September 09.

The second day of the last drag meeting at Kiskunlachaza, including the fantstic 10 second FWD record run! Among other spectacular runs the video also shows all the finals except the boring bye runs.

720p HD version is also available (1280x720@25p)    download

5.80 MB  -  3650 downloads
Renault 5 GT turbo vs. BMW E30 (E34 M5 motor)
Tököl - 2007. August 18.

One of my 12 second runs against one of the fastest BMW E30s in Hungary. The Beemer has a 3.8 liter engine transplanted from an E34 M5.

The video quality is crap, I was using a cheap camera.

174.00 MB  -  5556 downloads
EESLC 2007
Tököl - 2007. August 18.

This was Hungary's first really international race. It had a good field with racers from Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia and even from Norway. Unfortunately the video is a little on the short side, as I was racing myself too. Luckily I got most of the finals.
This is the first video I shot with my new gear. Picture quality improved, but sound is quite bad. The built-in mic couldn't cope with the loud cars.
I'll try to find a way to fix this problem.

720p HD version is also available (1280x720@25p)    download

127.00 MB  -  5262 downloads
Gyorsulási Futam - Drag Race
Tököl - 2007. May 27.

Polish racers dominated the race, and they also dominate in this -short than usual- video. Of course the finals are included as usual, except for a few boring bye runs.

99.00 MB  -  5115 downloads
Gyorsulási Verseny - Drag Race
Nyíregyháza - 2007. May 05.

A bit shorter than usual, the 11 minutes long video still features a few interesting shots, and all the finals as usual.

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